Supporting therapy sessions
Adjust patient activity level
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Enabling holistic rehabilitation
in pediatric oncology
For patients
AR mobile game turns kids time spent in the hospital into an immersive fantastic mushroom picking game, that motivates teens to move and supports rehabilitation while not forcing them out of the comfort zone.
Reasearch partnerships
We believe that digital tools can bridge the gap between patient rehabilitation experiences and improved treatments. We offer collaborations in research and provide patient reported outcome beneficial data.
Inducing curiosity
Reducing pain perception
Rebuilding movement habits
Fungo is an augmented reality mobile solution, that empowers pediatric cancer patients, clinicians and researchers to support rehabilitation and research.
Keita Augstkalne
For doctors
CEO, Co - founder
COO, Co - founder
Klāvs Balamovskis
Adjusting and monitoring patient activity levels for holistic patient recovery progress overview, a touchpoint for therapist and patients to support recovery.
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